Monday, May 26, 2008

Episode 4: In which Steve gets Legos and series of hamsters

Okay, since the last post here, a lot has gone down with us. First off, I got back to the doctor and found out my latest CT scan was clear of cancer. This was good news, but also opened the door for more goodness. I had made a deal with myself that if my scan was clear, I would get Legos. Hence, the Y-Wing.

The Y-Wing has to be one of my favorite spaceships from Star Wars. Yeah, the X-Wing gets all the press and the glory, but the guy flying the Y-Wing, well, he knows what's goin' on. He's the guy you ask where to get a good lunch near the Rebel base. He's gonna know where the best deals on astromech droids are. He is the Man. Plus, you knew that the design for the Y-Wing actually predates the X-Wing, right? Of course you did. Here's the concept design for the first film.

Also, we've now had a series of hamsters at the Zieser household. Pippin got sick, and we took him back to Pet-Co to see what we could do for him. They got him to see the vet, and it turned out that the little guy had a serious case of diarrhea, which can kill a hamster. We needed to return him to get him treated, and instead of dealing with visiting a sick hamster for two weeks, we got a different one instead. And so came Walter into our lives. We loved Walter, just as we loved Pippin, but in a few days he started to show signs of sickness as well.

So today, I took Walter back to get treatment. And then we got a hold of Tabitha, who is a reddish-gold colored Teddy Bear Hamster. She has had a full antibiotic treatment and should be in much better health. Plus, she is much tamer than the past two hamsters. We are hoping that there will not need to be any more personnel changes in the hamster department for awhile now.

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